At Factorise, our mission is to help manufacturers simplify shop floor digitization, so they can stay competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment. We’re passionate about making complex processes simple and efficient, and we draw on our 25 years of experience building special machines and 15 years in the Low-Code world to bridge the gap between OT and IT.
We understand shopfloor digitization projects require seamless connected OT and OT solutions that are easy to implement.
Our unique founding team, which you can read more about in the next section, combines the best of the OT and IT world
When Floor first met Arno at Duflex, now one of our preferred OT partners, there was a feeling of disbelieve. Two guys from complete different planets (IT & OT), but with an immediate shared vision on how to solve shopfloor digitization challenges; make it dead simple by using modular ,predefined and easy to implement IT-OT building blocks.
We believe our integral view on IT and OT is enabling us to achieve exceptional results bringing the best of both worlds.
Floor’s first job was at Mendix, a tech start-up implementing low code projects before the term low code was invented. The start-up grew in 11 years to the indespite market leader of the low code market. Floor was part of the Mendix journey till after the succesful exit to Siemens, and responsible for many succesful partnerships like the strategic Mendix – SAP partnership.
Erno brings the IT and OT experience to the table. With 20+ years of experience working in several software companies from small to large (e.g. Siemens) where he has taking care of software development, architecture, sales and product strategy. Together with his passion to people he is an important foundation to build not only our products but also our team culture.
Partners are extremely important for us. Together with our partners, we are building a strong and diverse ecosystem, dedicated to helping manufacturers digitize their shop floors end to end.And this is not juyst technology, we also know it is as important to take care about the change in processes, culture and onboarding of operators.